Excel: Windows Version GP210

19 modules

Carolyn Catalano

05 Sep 2015

$130.00 USD


Course Number GP210

Note: Course purchase includes completion certificate. Required text not included. This course is intended for Windows versions of Excel. 

Seek prior approval to ensure that these courses fulfill the necessary requirements of your school district.

Plagiarism will result in automatic failure and forfeits any right to credit or refund. 

Excel 2019 is the latest version of the successful Microsoft Office Suite. As you upgrade from previous versions of Excel, 2007, or 2010 or 2013 you will find the improvements dramatic and highly efficient. If you are new to Excel, then you are in for a well deserved change and update to the previous outdated and antiquated data processing programs. Excel is the world wide standard in office productivity and personal communication for sharing and analyzing data. Using Excel when paired with One Drive opens new pathways to improved productivity by being able to share workbooks, spreadsheets and data while the ability to collaborate in real time and across the country or world, all without leaving your computer.  

This course is meant for the novice or the professional and all levels in between. Use the course to guide yourself to become learn, or re-familiarize yourself with the powerful Excel features available today, to be able to create workbooks, spreadsheets, collaborate and inspire your yourself in the classroom or at home. Using the self guided workbook, you will read and follow along, learning the features using Excel 2013, as you complete real projects. 

This course is appropriate for both general education and special education teachers of students in grades K-12 and is worth 45 hours of professional development. 

Required text: Microsoft Excel Step by Step by Curtis Frye

ISBN-13: 978-1509307678

Click the image to purchase the book.


This class is based on the book:

Microsoft Excel Step by Step

Author: Curtis Frye


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate 45 Hour

Learning credits

Contact Hours


{{ badge.name }}

{{ vm.helper.t('lup.gamification.value') }}

{{ badge.points }} {{ vm.helper.t('lup.gamification.points') }}

{{ vm.helper.t('lup.gamification.achieved_for_selected_score_and_over')}}

{{ badge.name }}

{{ vm.helper.t('lup.gamification.value')}}

{{ badge.points }} {{ vm.helper.t('lup.gamification.points') }}

{{ vm.helper.t('lup.gamification.achieved') }}

{{ vm.helper.t('lup.gamification.learning_awards.on_course_completion') }}
Assignment 1: Introduce Yourself to the Instructor
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.assignment') }}
Assignment 2: Reflection Paper # 1
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.assignment') }}
Chapter 1 Quiz
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Chapter 2 Quiz
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Chapter 3 Quiz
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Chapter 4 Quiz
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Chapter 5 Quiz
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Chapter 6 Quiz
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Chapter 7 Quiz
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Chapter 8 Quiz
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Chapter 9 Quiz
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Chapter 10 Quiz
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Chapter 11 Quiz
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Chapter 12 Quiz
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Chapter 13 Quiz
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Chapter 14 Quiz
{{ vm.helper.t('courses.exam') }}
Assignment 3: Independent Research
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.assignment') }}
Assignment 4: Implement What You Have Learned
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.assignment') }}
Assignment 5: Reflection Paper # 2
{{ vm.helper.t('reports.assignment') }}

What is your refund policy?

Refunds may be requested for classes within thirty days of registration if the class has not been started.

When can I start my class?

You will be able to start your class immediately upon registration.

How long does it take to get a certificate of completion?

As soon as your instructor finishes grading your final assignment which will be between 7 - 10 work days.

How long do I have to complete the class?

You will have up to one year to complete your unless otherwise noted.

Plagiarism will result in a failing grade and forfeits your right to credit or refund.

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